Pentax LX with SMC Pentax-A 2.8/28mm reused …

Last weekend I was on a short trip to Frankfurt and I wondered what camera to join me. Soon it was clear that my Fuji X100s was the one to go … but I wanted to have something more analog ;) So it finally was my Pentax LX with a SMC Pentax-A 2.8/28mm lens who… Continue reading Pentax LX with SMC Pentax-A 2.8/28mm reused …

Australian Adventure

It’s time to launch a new short series. Lasting nearly two years of postprocessing (just kidding), sorting, sorting and … sorting, I’m now about to put my Australian Adventure live on Flickr – check it out. In November 2015 we started from Munich via Dubai to Perth – our first short rest on a new… Continue reading Australian Adventure

Contax RX Mirror Slip …

Recently I had the issue with my Contax RX, when the mirror hit the lens’ rear part during several exposures. After investigating on the web, I found this a common issue with contax cameras. The glue, fixing the mirror on the mirror carrier, gets loose over the years. Thus, as the camera is usually standing… Continue reading Contax RX Mirror Slip …

No GAS …

Es ist endlich soweit. Kein GAS (gear acquisition syndrome) – es ist genügend Material für viiieeelll Spaß vorhanden und daher kommt erst einmal nichts Neues dazu. Ich freue mich schon mal auf die vielen kommenden Bilder – es sollten dann eine ganze Reihe Filme dabei sein. So long and thanks for all the fish.


Allen Verfechtern von “Fullframe ist das einzige Wahre” sei hier noch einmal die ganz einfache Erläuterung von Zack Arias ans Herz gelegt.