After dressing this beauty in new clothes, I was keen to see a first film in this 40 years old camera. So I mounted a Carl Zeiss Planar 1.7/50mm, loaded an Agfa Vista 200 and … enjoyed a photo walk;) OK, this is not the 1.7/50mm lens attached ;) … this is the right one… Continue reading Hiking around Flossenbürg with a Contax 139 Quartz
Tag: gaisweiher
Hiking around Flossenbürg and Gaisweiher
The last day of the year A.D. 2017 we made a short trip to the Burg Flossenbürg. The small town is know for one of the KZ (Concentration Camp) during the darkest era in German history – the Nazi Era. This time however, we did not visit the KZ, but hiked down to the small… Continue reading Hiking around Flossenbürg and Gaisweiher