From time to time I take a picture showing two cameras side by side where I think it’s worth it. The first and the second image can be found here, showing two Canon bodies (a Canon EOS 3 vis-a-vis a Canon EOS 5D) and two Contax bodies (a Contax Aria vis-a-vis a Contax AX).
This time two Minolta bodies found their way into my focus. They both make a very good job as photographic tools and both still look like new.
The Minolta X-700 was the endpoint of the manual focus SLR from Minolta and served many years as my preferred camera during the 80s. Besides a manual mode it offered aperture priority mode and a program mode. It is equipped here with my goto lens – a MD Rokkor 1.4/50mm.
The Minolta Dynax 9 was Minolta’s final film autofocus SLR. An extreme professional body with tons of premium features never matched by any of the competitors. Some say it was the best film autofocus SLR ever made. It is equipped here with an AF Macro 2.8/50mm lens.
They are both excellent tools from two different periods in the development of camera technology – manual focus vs autofocus.
Just to mention … the shot was taken with a Sony A7R2 and a Contax Carl Zeiss Planar 1.4/50mm lens attached.
In case you’d like to comment, it’s appreciated … and maybe, you want to visit my website or my flickr page too.
So long … and thanks for all the fish.