Just one image: Wild Water

The Atlantic Ocean in Porto, …

Wild Water, Image made with Apple iPhone 8

… offers an extraordinary experience for both adventurers and contemplative souls. Whether you seek the adrenaline rush of water sports, wish to explore Porto’s maritime heritage, or simply long for a moment of serenity by the ocean, Porto’s connection to the Atlantic is sure to leave an indelible mark on your journey. So, embrace the power and allure of the Atlantic, and let Porto’s stormy waters weave their magic on your soul.

In case you’d like to comment, it’s appreciated … and maybe, you want to visit my website or my flickr page too.

So long … and thanks for all the fish.


  1. Very nice image, it reminds me very much of the suggest coast here in New England in the States. My relatives on my father’s side are from the Azores. I have had the pleasure of visiting there several times.

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